Hong Kong is a big, spectacular city and we love everything about it, but there’s no question that it can be an overwhelming place. Everything moves at such a hectic pace, as people shuffle between meetings, school drop offs and so on. It is truly a city like no other on the planet.

For newcomers, the prospect of finding new friends in such a fast paced city can sometimes feel intimidating. We should know – many of the coaches here at ATA are ex-pats and immigrants ourselves!

Though there is no shortage of places to go meet people in Hong Kong, joining a tennis club is a great way for newcomers to find an instant sense of community.

One of the best things about tennis is that it is truly a game for everyone. Known as ‘the sport for a lifetime’, it is one of the few sports that can be played by people of all ages and abilities. From children picking up a racquet for the first time to elderly couples looking to stay active in retirement, you never know who you will see at the court on a given day.

As such, tennis clubs around the world over are often populated by a diverse mix of interesting people, and this is particularly evident here in Hong Kong, with our unique mix of cultures and backgrounds.

In addition to providing a venue for people of all ages and abilities to learn and play tennis, tennis clubs typically host social events, functions and tournaments designed to foster a sense of belonging amongst players. The tennis club is more than just a place to play tennis – it’s a tennis community. Even when there are no planned functions, there are countless opportunities to interact with other players and form long lasting bonds.

Of course, the primary goal of the tennis club still involves picking up a racquet and playing a round. Most clubs offer programs and courses catering to specific ages and abilities, which makes connecting with the right people even easier. A housewife simply looking to stay active and meet people, for example, is probably looking for a relaxed game with somebody similar, not a competitive match against a budding teenage superstar. By enrolling in different programs, it makes it easier for players to meet people with similar tennis goals and get the exact experience they want out of this great sport.

To add to that point, because of the wide range of abilities and ages in a typical tennis club, it is almost certain that you will find you perfect doubles partner or opponent. Young, old, male, female, ex-pat, local…everybody plays tennis!

If you’re new to Hong Kong and are looking to get active, meet new people or simply find something to do during your free time, we highly recommend tennis. It’s known as the sport for a lifetime, and for good reason. It’s fun, and everyone can play!

See you on the court!

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