ATA Director

Nathan Booth


Background: Nathan has an impressive background of accomplishments, including 2014 HKFC Champion in Singles, Men’s Doubles and Mixed Doubles. 2010 HK Nationals Men’s Open Doubles semi finalist and 2008 Mixed Doubles Finalist. Former No.1 ranked junior on Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia and top 10 in !the state of  Queensland.

Experience: Nathan has been coaching tennis at all levels since 1999 being a Fully Qualified Level 2 Tennis Coaches Australia. He has coaching experience throughout Australia, Asia and the US at all levels of play. Has worked with full time traveling players from HKTA and implemented youth development programs. He has a passion for tournament planning and has directed tournaments throughout Australia, including being a member of organizing team for 2013 and 2014 WTA Hobart Women’s International.

Qualifications: Advanced Level 2 coaching certificate, Tennis Coaches Australia, Level 3 HKTA Coaching Certificate

ATA work specialty: Coaching both adults and junior players, Tennis Programme Management

Number of years with company: Since 2010

A Little Bit of Fun

Hobbies / interests outside of tennis?
Golf, AFL

Favourite Quote
Train the way you want to play

Favourite music / musician / band?
Ed Sheran

Favourite CHILDHOOD TV / Movie?
Astro boy

When you were 5, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Marine Biologist

Tell me about your greatest achievement?
ITF Tennis World ranking 220 Doubles 600 singles over 40 (albeit in the masters category) but the greatest achievement is really having a beautiful wife with two amazing children.

Tell me about the most embarrassing moment you’ve ever had?
In my final year of school I had taken a year off tennis “so i could study” that didn’t happen I just played more rugby. Therefor started putting on weight. I got called out in front of the entire school by the Tennis Captain saying I had put on weight and was beatable this year. Very embarrassing. Didn’t stop me from beating him though or stop me from eating.

If you could have a SUPERPOWER what would it be and why?
To control minds, the world is a much better place when people are happy.

If you could challenge any famous person or character to a tennis match, who would it be and why?
Michael Jordan. Would be amazing to hear his story. Early years and what dove him, playing basketball in the NBA, business owner and advice and then ask for a round of golf.

Was there a reoccurring theme or comment that featured on all your school report cards? 
Loves his sport but needs to focus on his school work

Toy or hobby you were most obsessed with as a child?

If you could go back in time and give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be?
Believe in yourself and trust you can achieve more than you think you can.

Would you rather have fingers for toes or toes for fingers? And how do you think it would affect your tennis game?
Fingers for toes, my short stubby toes couldn’t grip around the racket.

Out of Toby, Matt & Nathan

Who has the better backhand?
Nathan, Matt’s used to be.

Who has the better serve?

Who is the most fun?
Nathan 🙂  Matt used to be

If you all went on a roller coaster, who would squeal the loudest?

Who has the worst fashion sense?

Who has the weirdest habit and why?
Nathan, silly superstitions

Who is most likely to get insulted by a child?

Who is most likely to own a unicorn onesie?

Who is most likely to be mistaken for Alan from “The Hangover”?

Who is most likely to be upgraded to first class every time they fly?
Matt, he just smiles at them and “oh here you go sir”.