How Social is Tennis?

If you follow along with Australasia Tennis Aces social media and blog posts, you already know all of the wonderful benefits tennis offers its players. Heck, if you’ve played tennis you probably figured most of them out yourself, long ago! Tennis is great for fitness, endurance, reflexes, instincts. The list goes on.

One of our personal favourite aspects of tennis though, is how social it is. Maybe it’s because we work for a tennis school in Hong Kong, where we frequently see ex-pats and native born HKer’s mingling and making friends in our programs, but we don’t think so.

Our guess is, the same thing is happening across the globe. Whether it’s a public court in Sydney, a high level tournament in the United States or a tennis school in Hong Kong, there is just something about this great game that brings people together. Tennis players simple get other tennis players. A tennis fraternity (and sorority!) of sorts, if you will.

It could be because the game is both cooperative and competitive, or maybe because tennis players are typically also tennis fans and spend a lot of time hanging out at the courts watching games.

In our case, at Australasia Tennis Aces, we think it has a lot to do with the diverse (and awesome!) cast of characters we count among our ranks as well as the various events and functions we throw for club members. Whatever it is, the answer is clear: How social is tennis? You ask? “Very social!” we say!

Don’t take our word for it. Come on down to one of our facilities and see for yourself!