6 Tips for Exercising in the Hong Kong Summer Heat

Ah, the Hong Kong Summer – a time of sweltering heat and humidity that can make even the most enthusiastic tennis player want to stay indoors. But with a little preparation, you can still get out on the court despite the temperatures.

In fact, play tennis in the Hong Kong summer can be a great way to boost your endurance and mental toughness – as long as you stay safe and smart!

In this blog post, we’ll share our top tips for exercising in the heat from staying hydrated to avoiding heat exhaustion.

Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or just starting out, these tips will help you make the most of your exercise even in the hottest and most humid Hong Kong summer.

Stay sun safe in the Hong Kong summer

1. Take Time to Adapt to the Hong Kong Summer Heat

It’s easy to over do exercise at the start of summer by underestimating the summer heat. Try shortening the length of your outdoor exercise at the start of summer and slowly building up until you feel equipped to handle the heat. The heat can also be a shock to the system if you spend most of the day indoors in the air conditioning.

2. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate … and Snack

Drink plenty of water at least 30 minutes before exercising and continue to drink every 15 to 20 mins to prevent dehydration. Avoid waiting until you are thirsty during exercise.

Also ensure you’ve had a healthy snack before exercising and have another ready to go in case you need an energy boost. The body needs your help in advance!

3. Be Sun Smart & Apply Sunscreen

Be sun smart this Hong Kong summer. Apply sunscreen at least 20 minutes before exercising. Sport sunscreens can help stay strong in sweaty situations.

When exercising outdoors in the Hong Kong summer, it’s essential to be sun smart and take steps to protect your skin from the harsh sun. The sun’s UV rays can cause sunburn which may lead skin cancer later in life.

So it is crucial to take sun protection seriously.

Look for a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of 50, which offers protection against both UVA and UVB rays. Opt for a water-resistant sunscreen to ensure it stays on your skin even when you sweat.

And don’t forget your hat! A hat with a wide brim can help protect your face, neck and ears from the sun.

4. Wear Light Coloured Clothes

Wear lightweight, light-coloured and loose-fitting clothing that allows for good airflow and helps keep you cool.

Avoid dark or heavy clothing that can trap heat. Darker colours absorb more heat resulting in making your body hotter.

5. Listen to Your Body

Listen to your body and slow down if you start feeling overheated, dizzy, light headed or nauseous. If you feel like you’re getting too hot, take a break and move to a cool, shaded area.

Don’t push yourself too hard in extreme heat. Listen to your body and take regular breaks to avoid heat-related illnesses.

6. Take Regular Breaks

During the extreme Hong Kong summer heat, take regular breaks to rest and re-hydrate. This can help prevent heat exhaustion and heat stroke.

Stay Cool & Fit in the Hong Kong Summer!

And there you have it – our top tips for exercising in the Hong Kong summer! With these expert tips, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle the heat and humidity like a pro. From staying hydrated to being sun smart, we’ve covered everything you need to know to stay safe and healthy while exercising outdoors in the Hong Kong summer.

Remember, with a little planning and preparation, you can make the most of the warm weather and enjoy the many benefits of outdoor exercise.

So, go ahead and get moving … and stay cool, stay fit and happy exercising in the Hong Kong summer!