Junior programme – after registration is confirmed there will be no withdrawal, or refunds for missed or unattended lessons. In the event of sick leave, make-up classes will be offered (doctor’s certificate required) during holiday camps, public holidays or alternate dates. Dates available for make-up classes will be published at the start of the term – any make-up sessions not used during these dates are non-refundable and non-transferrable to the following term.

Adult programme – 24 hours notice is required, otherwise you will be automatically billed for your class / a credit taken off your package.

In case of bad weather, please do not assume that tennis is cancelled as alternate programme or indoor venues my be offered depending on venue.

Cancellation of lessons will be by WhatsApp message approximately 45 mins before the commencement of the lesson. No message means that the lesson is on. If attending a group session the class WhatsApp group will be messaged.

Feel free to contact the coach directly for confirmation. (Please note ATA parents, If you have a helper doing pick ups / drop offs please advise us of their contact number so they can be included on the group.

We advise all players to bring a drink bottle, hat, sunscreen and a racket (Please notify your ATA coach in advance if you need to borrow a racket). Wear a comfortable pair of trainers with good ankle support and weather-appropriate sports clothing.

It is important for players to have the right equipment, both for development of your game and to have maximum enjoyment while playing. Our ATA team are very experienced in selecting the correct tennis racket for you as an individual or for our junior players. We now have our own collection of tennis rackets for our younger players. Please refer to the ATA shop to select the best racket and ‘ATA starter kit’ for your child. If you are an adult player please speak to your ATA coach directly, so they can recommend an appropriate racket for your level and game style. We have rackets available at each venue for players to trial, so please notify your coach in advance and they will happily have a racket ready for you to test.

Depending on the student’s age and ability, different coloured balls are used to enhance their development. Red, orange and green tennis balls are all pressurised differently, which means the speed and bounce of the ball are appropriate for the level of the child. This means all students can enjoy the game of tennis from their first session, even from 3 years old.

Yes, they can. However to play tennis at club venues as a non-members you must be a guest of a member and will also be required to pay a daily non-member fee of $20/d for JLRA and $40/d for HKFC. If you would like to play at one of these venues, but do not know any members, please contact HKFC coaches Toby Clark or Nathan Booth at [email protected] or JLRA head coach Luka Grdic at [email protected] for assistance.

Yes, we encourage parents and guardians to stay and watch from outside the tennis court. Our coaches will also be happy to discuss your child’s progression after the lesson, or answer any questions you may have.

Question not answered?

Drop us a note at [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Always great to hear from you.